Beautiful Autumn day! Following a tip from Alex (our person trainer at Körperkomponisten), we went for...
I had a Meckertante: grilled goat cheese, fig mustard, ham, nuts, honey and
Chris' fig marmelade. The toppings were a nice combination, but it would be better if the bread would be thinner and a bit more toasted.
[Meckertante - gratinierter Ziegenkäse | Feigensenf | luftgetrockneter Schinken | Nüsse | Chris' FEigenkonfitüre | Honig]
Roger had a Onkel Benedikt: poached egg,
avocado cream, rocket salad, smoked salmon, Hollandaise sauce.
[Onkel Benedikt - pochiertes Ei | Avocadocreme | Rucola | geräucherter Lachs | Sauce Hollandaise]
Oct 15th, 2022.