Saturday, June 14, 2014

Book Session: The Rosie Project

The Rosie Project
Graeme Simsion

Ganhei o livro de namorido no dia de St.Jordi (dia dos namorados da Catalunha :-)  ). Os primeiros capítulos sao muito engracados. Depois o livro acaba virando um pouco água com acucar demais, mas é divertido :-)

"Love isn't an exact science - but no one told Don Tillman. A handsome thirty-nine-year-old geneticist, Don's never had a second date. So he devises The Wife Project, a scientific test to find the perfect partner. Enter Rosie - 'the world's most incompatible woman' - throwing Don's safe, ordered life into chaos. Just what is this unsettling, alien emotion he's feeling?"

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