Sunday, June 30, 2024

Visiting Nürnberg

While Roger is working, I went to visit the city :-) I have been in Nürnberg already a couple of times, so that takes the pressure off to have to visit all touristic points, and just leaves the joy to walk around in a relaxing way - the best way to visit a city :-)
Love the constructions and bridges...

...over the river Pegnitz.
Nice balconies with geraniums in bloom.

The beautiful Heilig-Geist-Spital.
The fountain Narrenschiffbrunnen from the artist Jürgen Weber.

The fountain reflects a woodcut of Albrecht Dürer (Das Narrenschiff - or The Ship of Fools). The interesting thing is that the fountain is a dry one - it was too expensive to have water around, so the city decided to leave it in the dry :-)
At the Hauptmarkt: it is a beautiful square!
Walking to the Frauenkirche Nürnberg (or Church of Our Lady) from 1358.
 This time I also visited the inside.

It looks very chilling to just sit around :-)

In the other side of the market, St. Sebaldus church and, more to the front, the Schöner Brunnen (or Beautiful Fountain).
 The fountain was build between 1385 e 1396. The original is at the Germanischen Nationalmuseum, and the one in the square is a copy made in 1903.
At the font grid, there are two golden rings - the legend says that it brings luck to touch and turn them. In Covid time, not sure anyone is doing it - at least not without disinfecting the hands afterwards :-)
 Sept 7th 2021.

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