Monday, July 8, 2024

Restaurant Session (in Deidesheim): Leopold

On our second day in Deidesheim, we went to visit (and get some wine :-) ) our favorite vineyards in the region: Rings, Oliver Zeter and Knipser. My stomach was not 100% (to say it lightly) so we just relaxed during the day. In the evening, we went to restaurant Leopold, from the winery von Winning, that was just across our hotel.

 Restaurant Leopold, with a nice terrace.

From inside.

As I had problems with my stomach during the day, I got something light from the menu: black feathered chicken breast, kohlrabi with truffles, ribbon noodles and Spaetburgunder jus.
[Brust vom Schwarzfederhuhn auf der Haut gebraten, mit getrüffeltem Kohlrabi, Bandnudeln und Spätburgunderjus]
Roger had kobe beef level 11 (excellent!!) with wasabi mashed potatoes, pak shoi, shiitake mushrooms and ponzu sauce. Really nice!!
[Rücken vom Kobe mit geschmorten Pak Choi, Shiitake Pilzen, Wasabi Püree und Ponzu-Sauce]

The pak shoi. 
 After dinner, we just crossed the street and were already in our hotel.
Sept 9th, 2021.

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