Saturday, July 6, 2024

Restaurant Session (in Deidesheim): Restaurant Riva

For lunch, we stayed at our hotel and went to restaurant Riva. Cozy, with a big glass window giving to the garden (on a hot day, with a very nice air conditioning working inside).

As aperitif, I asked for a gin tonic - perfect for a Summer day.

Roger had a sparkling wine from the region.
Bread, butter and olive oil.
Foie gras, peach, morel and madeira sauce.
[Gänseleber (ungestopft) | Weinbergpfirsich | Morcheln | Madeira | Brioche]

With brioche.
Roger had a Balik salmon tartare, citric fruitas and avocado.
[Balik Lachs | Zitrusfrüchte | Avocado]
As main dish, grilled rib eye from txogitxu 'old cow' - great taste!
[Txogitxu "Alte Kuh" ES Rubia Gallega Rib Eye]
As side dishes, sweet potatoes fries and green asparagus.
[Sweet Potato Fries | grüner Spargel mit Parmesan]
Roger's main dish: yellowfin tuna with pak choi, capers, olives taggiasca and saffron risotto.
[Yellowfin Tuna Medium | Pak Choi | Kapern | Taggiasca Oliven | Safran-Risotto]
And, matching a very warm day, ice cream for dessert :-)
Sept 8th, 2021.

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