Sunday, July 14, 2024

Restaurant Session (in Eupen, Belgium): Antoine

At mid October, we went for dinner at restaurant Antoine, in Eupen, from the chef Mirko Radermeker.

I like the decoration, specially...

...the lighting. Makes the room very cozy.

The table.
A glass of champagne as aperitif.

With the aperitif, a great amuse bouche selection: polenta dices with parmesan and truffles, matcha cracker with mango filling, tartelette with egg (from their farm), fermented celery with roasted onions, and beef on a damp bread.

As second amuse bouche, ceviche of sea bream with sweet potato and cucumber. Very nice!
Delicious non-alcoholic drinks - perfect option for the driver of the evening: me :-)
Bread, butter and olive oil.
As first dish, 48° salmon, avocado, sorrel, wasabi and carrot. Serve in...
[48° Lachs | Sauerampfer | Wasabi | Karotte]
...two dishes. Delicious!

My second non-alcoholic drink: very refreshing.
As second course, we went for the vegetarian option: roasted cauliflower with saffron, leek and potato. Great sauce, loved this dish!
[Gerösteter Blumenkohl | Safran | Lauch | Kartoffel]
 Turbot, licorice, nut butter, pumpking and dumpling. Very tasty. 
[Sellerie | Süssholz | Nussbutter | Kürbis | Dumpling]
Surprise dish from the menu (you don't know in advance what it will be): lobster. Excellent sauce!!
As main dish, veal from Lothar Vilz, mushrooms, parsnip, pear and chervil.
[Kalb von Lothar Vilz | Pastinake | Birne | Kerbel]
Also in a second variation over a brioche.
Sweet time! Jerusalem artishoke (in format of ice cream: surprising taste) , toffee chocolate and black tea.
[Topinambur | Karamell-Schokolade | schwarzer Tee]
We enjoyed it very much!
Oct 15th, 2021.

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