Monday, August 26, 2024

Restaurant Session (in Düsseldorf): Berens am Kai

For dinner, we went walking from our hotel to restaurant Berens am Kai✨ from chef Holger Berens.

With the apperitif, the amuse bouche.

Bread and butter.

For the dinner, we asked a bottle of 2006 Chateau Haut-Marbuzet from Henri Duboscq.

My starter: spaghetti gragnano, lobster ragout, chilli and coriander.
[Spaghetti Gragnano | Hummerragout | Chili | Koriander] 

Roger had the creamy and crispy artichoke, creamy yolk, Faridehs herbs, and...
[Creme and Knusper von Artischocken | cremiges Eigelb Walnuss | Faridehs Kräuter | Toast mit Olivenpaste und Cecina]

... toast with olives and Cecina.
As main dish, Spanish Angus filet, sauce Bearnaise pepper with...
[Spanishes Angusfilet | Pfeffer béarnaise | gebackene Kartoffeln | Kräutersalat]

...herb salad and...
...backed potato - those were great!

As dessert, pistachio gateau, lemon cream and olive oil with fermented blueberries. For me, this was the best dish of our dinner: creative and full of taste.
To finish dinner, espresso macchiato and...


We were a bit disappointed with dinner - as a one Michelin star restaurant, we expected more. It was a good dinner, but nothing exceptional. Researching the restaurant now, I just saw that the chef sold the restaurant in 2023 to his sous chef, and it is now named 'am Kai', following a brasserie concept. I think it fits much better to the kitchen style.

Dec 23rd, 2021.

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