Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Restaurant Session (in Kornelimünster): Sankt Benedikt

On Thursday evening, we went for dinner at restaurant Sankt Benedikt ✨
As amuse, a potato foam with vadouvan spices - great flavour!

As first dish, langoustine, wasabi and lime.
[Langustine | Wasabi | Limette]
Turbot with leek, mushrooms and miso.
[Steinbutt | Lauch | Pilze | Miso]
 Char, carrot and passionfruit.
 [Saibling | Karotte | Passionsfrucht]
As main dish, presa Iberica - soooo tasteful! - with coffee, ras el hanout and red onions.
[Presa vom Iberico | Kaffee | Ras el Hanout | Rote Zwiebel]

A sweet amuse before dessert.
Tangerine, crema catalana and peanuts
[Mandarine | Crema Catalana | Erdnuss]
Jan 20th, 2022.

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