Monday, March 4, 2024

Restaurant Takeout (in Köln): Le Moissonier

 This time we picked up our dinner in Köln: take out from restaurant Le Moissonier 1 Michelin star 1 Michelin star

A bag full of...

 ...little glass pots and goodies - did not expect an oven mitt :-)

 To start, an aperitif: bloody mary shot.
[Unser Bloody Mary-Shot: Basilikum, Rosmarin, Thymian, Tomaten, Knoblauch, Piment d'Espelette, Selleriesalz, Vodka]
As first dish, green peas and mint cold soup with North Sea crabs and snap peas.
[Erbsen-Minz Kaltschale mit Nordseekrabeen und Zuckerschoten. Erbsen, Nordssekrabben, Zuckerschoten, Fond Blanc, Sahne, Joghurt, Olivenöl, Limette, Kräuter, Zucker, Salz]

As second dish, mousse from smoked trout with apple salad, cucumber and radish, topped with smoked salmon. Very nice combination!
[Mousse von Geräucherter Forelle mit Apfel-Gurken-Radieschen-Salat und gebeiztem Lachs. R#ucherforelle, Lachs, Äpfel, Gurke, Radieschen, Wildkräutersalat, Cornichons, Gelatine, Fond Blanc, Kräuter, Senf, Öl, Essig, Salz] 

The third dish: Leipziger Allerlei. Spring vegetables in bouillon, and ravioli filled with crayfish and chicken.
[Leipziger Allerlei - Frühlingsgemüse in Bouillon und Ravioli gefüllt mit Flusskrebsen und Poularde. Blumenkohl, Romanesco, Brokkoli, Karotten, Kohlrabi, grüner Spargel, Poularde, Flusskrebse, Ingwer, Meerrettich, Butter, Mehl, Eier, Grieß, Gewürze, Kräuter, Salz]

As fourth dish, stockfish brandade with tomato-rougail. 
 [Stockfisch-Brandade mit Tomaten-Rougail. Stockfisch, Milch, Butter, Olivenöl, Kartoffeln, Knoblauch, Muskatnuss, Limetten Zesten, Pankomehl, Piment d'Espelette]

Loved the crunchy top of the brandade and the mix of flavours: delicious!
As main dish, sauté from veal printanier with potato, asparagus and wild garlic fondue.
[Sauté vom Kalb Printanier. Kalbsbrust, aromatische Garnitur, Kalbsfond, Knoblauch, Thymian, Rosmarin, Lorbeer, Weißwein. 
As side dish, Spargel-Kartoffel Fondue mit Bärlauch. Spargel, Kartoffeln, Milch, Sahne, Butter, Bärlauch]

Time for dessert! Yogurt mousse with strawberry, pistachio biscuit and müsli crumbles. Delicious, very refreshing!
[Joghurtmousse mit Erdbeeren, Pistazien Biskuit und Müsli-Crumble. Joghurt, Sahne, Erdbeeren, Gelatine, Zucker, PIstazien, Mehl, Müsli, Ei]

And the gourmandises, including a hazelnut cake.
[Haselnuss-Cake. Haselnüsse, Mehl, Backpulver, Zucker, Ei, Butter, Sahne]
It was good, but I definitely miss being at the restaurant, enjoying the atmosphere and having the dish perfectly plated (that is definitely an art!). Hope everything goes back to normal again soon!
Mar 20th, 2021.

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