Sunday, May 19, 2024

Restaurant Session (in Düsseldorf): 20° Restobar

Having forgotten my earrings at my hairdresser in Dusseldorf, we had the perfect excuse to go back again next day to pick them up and combine it with dinner at the 20° Restobar from the chef Macarena de Castro.

Enjoying the beautiful Summer evening, we stayed at the terrace.
 The inside, with tables and couches.
To drink, beer for Roger, gin tonic for me - with gin Mare and tonic from Fever Tree Mediterranean.
As starters, we did a tapas selection: delicious!
Bread with homemade aioli.
[Brot und hausgemachte Aioli]
Croquetas with ham. Love them!
[Kroketten gefüllt mit Schinken]
Patatas bravas with spicy sauce.
[Patatas Bravas mit pikanter Sauce]
Prawns baked in wine dough.
[Gambas in Weinteig gebacken]
Before the main dish, cocktail time! Pornstar Martini: Ketel One vodka, vanille de Madagaskar, passionfruit, lime, passoa and cava. Strong but very nice!
As main dish, solomillo with...
[Solomillo - Filet vom Weiderind 250g]

...truffle fries with Parmesan cheese and...
[Hausgemachte Pommes Frites]
...a fennel salad with pine nuts
 [Fenchelsalat mit Parmesan und Pinienkernen]

Perfect cooked and juicy.

Jul 9th, 2021.

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