Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Restaurant Session (in Paris, France): Le Comptoir des Petits Camps

Following a tip of our hotel, we went for dinner at Le Comptoir des Petits Champs. The outside was quite different...

...from the romantic and bistro look inside :-)

Cozy lighting and...

 ...cool paintings.
 To drink, black cherries and savory juice.
[Cerises noires et sarriette]

And black tea with cedrat and ginger - perfect for Summer!
[Thé noir | cédrat | gingembre]
As starters, we asked a variety of petites assiettes to share - and they were delicious.
Zucchini | apricot | goat cheese | ajo blanco (this was excellent!), burrata | pineapple chutney.
[Courgette | abricot | chèvre frais | Ajo Blanco]
[Burrata | chutney ananas]

French ham stuffed with herbs | garlic bread | tomato.
[Jambon de Paris aux herbes | pain à l'ail et tomate]
 As main dish, tuna crudo, burrata, cucumber, cherry, ponzu. Loved the combination!
[Crudo de thonine | burrata | concombre | cerise]
Sweet time! My sister had roasted peach | ice cream | crumble.
[Pêche rôtie | crème glacée | crumble]
I had a basil and passion fruit cheesecake.
 In such a touristic area, this was a great finding - delicious food in a nice atmosphere!

Jul 21st, 2022.

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