Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Restaurant Session (in Köln): Alfredo

In the evening, we went for dinner in Köln, to Ristaurant Alfredo ✨ (opens on Monday evening!) from chef Roberto Caturan.
 Very classic decoration.
Bread and olive oil. Loved the garlic croutons!
As amuse bouche, couscous salad with a goat cheese terrine.
My starter: a three scampi variation.
With the starter, as glass of 2018 Magma Verdelho D.O. Biscoitos.
As starter, Roger had rigatoni with bottarga, spinach and italian bacon. Excellent!
As main dish, Roger attacked (no time for photos without cuttlerie😊) a cod fish with rapini and almonds. According to him, cooked to perfection!
 My main dish: turbot with fennel and tarragon. Very nice!
With the turbot, a glass of 2018 Chardonnay Reserve from Heitlinger.
 Sweet time! As sweet amuse, a variation of the classic Black Forecast gateau.

 The dessert.
Pairing with the dessert, a glass of 2008 SolAlto Maremma Toscana. Very nice, I enjoyed it very much!
Coffee and gourmandises.

It was a nice dinner - very good Italian restaurant. But not sure it deserves a Michelin star. In 2024, after 11 years, they lost their star.
Time to go for sleep. Good night!

Jul 19th, 2021.

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